Feb 13, Thu
Thrive – 6:30 pm
Students in 5th-12th grade are invited to take part in Thrive, meeting from 6:30-8:00 p.m. on alternating Thursdays at the home of our leaders, Richard & Chrissy Burns, in Nobleboro. We hope to see your students there!
Feb 15, Sat
Celebration of Life Service for Jeff Norton – 10:00 am
A celebration of Jeff’s life of service will be held at the First Baptist Church of Waldoboro at 10 a.m. with fellowship, coffee, and doughnuts preceding the service at 9 a.m.
Feb 18, Tue
Tuesday Morning Prayer Begins – 7:00 am
Join us from 7:00-7:45 a.m. as we begin a weekly time of prayer with our TVC family.
Feb 19, Wed
TVC Foundations Class Begins
Mar 2, Sun
Fellowship Lunch – 11:45 am
Join us for a time of food and fellowship after the service! Bring a dish to share if you're able, or just come and enjoy—there's always plenty of food to go around!
Mar 3, Mon
Music Ministry Meeting – 6:30 pm
Mar 9, Sun
Annie Armstrong Easter Offering
The Annie Armstrong Easter Offering is an annual offering collected by the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention to train, resource, and send thousands of missionaries involved in church planting and compassion ministries across the United States, Canada and their territories. The offering was started in 1875 by Woman’s Missionary Union and later named in honor of Annie Armstrong, a bold missions advocate and WMU's first national executive leader.
The total offering amount received by TVC throughout this week will be donated to this special ministry.
Apr 5, Sat
Women's Fellowship
More information coming soon!
Apr 6, Sun
Quarterly Members' Meeting & Lunch – 11:45 am
(No Fellowship Breakfast before the service today.)
Apr 17, Thu
Maundy Thursday Passover Meal – 6:00 pm
Apr 18, Fri
Good Friday Service – 6:00 pm
Apr 20, Sun
Easter Sunday
Sunrise Service: 6:00 a.m.
Fellowship Breakfast: 9:00 a.m.
Worship Service: 10:00 a.m.
May 4, Sun
Fellowship Lunch – 11:45 am
Join us for a time of food and fellowship after the service! Bring a dish to share if you're able, or just come and enjoy—there's always plenty of food to go around!
May 17, Sat
Cottage in the Woods Work Day
Various tasks are needed to open the Cottage in the Woods for its summer ministry season. Come lend a hand and join the fun!
Jun 1, Sun
Fellowship Lunch – 11:45 am
Join us for a time of food and fellowship after the service! Bring a dish to share if you're able, or just come and enjoy—there's always plenty of food to go around!
Jun 8, Sun
Neighborhood Cookout / Meet & Greet – 12:00 pm
We're inviting our neighbors to join us for delicious food (including ice cream sundaes!) and a chance to get to know us better! Bring a side dish if you're able; all other food, drinks, and fixin's will be provided.
Food will be served from 12:00-2:00 p.m. Come when you can, leave when you must!
(No Fellowship Breakfast before the service today.)
Jul 13, Sun
Quarterly Members' Meeting & Lunch – 11:45 am
(No Fellowship Breakfast before the service today.)
Jul 27, Sun
Church Picnic – 12:00 pm
Join us at the Cottage in the Woods for a time of food & fellowship after the service. (Click below for directions if you need them!)
Hot dogs and hamburgers will be provided - please bring a side dish or dessert to share. The Cottage in the Woods is on Pemaquid Lake, with swimming, boating, & kayaking available to enjoy!
(No Fellowship Breakfast before the service today.)
Aug 3, Sun
Fellowship Lunch – 11:45 am
Join us for a time of food and fellowship after the service! Bring a dish to share if you're able, or just come and enjoy—there's always plenty of food to go around!
Sep 4, Thu
Back-to-School Prayer Time
Sep 13, Sat
CHiP Community Cares Day
Sep 14, Sun
Neighborhood Cookout / Meet & Greet – 12:00 pm
We're inviting our neighbors to join us for delicious food (including ice cream sundaes!) and a chance to get to know us better! Bring a side dish if you're able; all other food, drinks, and fixin's will be provided.
Food will be served from 12:00-2:00 p.m. Come when you can, leave when you must!
(No Fellowship Breakfast before the service today.)
Sep 17, Wed
TVC Foundations Class Begins
Oct 5, Sun
Quarterly Members' Meeting & Lunch – 11:45 am
(No Fellowship Breakfast before the service today.)
Oct 11, Sat
Damariscotta Pumpkinfest
TVC members will be volunteering to help with numerous Pumpkinfest activities! Columbus Day weekend, Oct. 11-13. Come and enjoy the fun with us!
Oct 14, Tue
Sermon Application Team Begins – 6:30 pm
Oct 18, Sat
Cottage in the Woods Work Day
Join us in the various tasks needed to close up the Cottage in the Woods and prepare it for winter. All help is greatly appreciated!
Oct 25, Sat
Church Work Day
There will be both indoor & outdoor projects you can help with. Any time you can give will be greatly appreciated!
Nov 1, Sat
Women Fellowship
More information coming soon!
Nov 2, Sun
Fellowship Lunch – 11:45 am
Join us for a time of food and fellowship after the service! Bring a dish to share if you're able, or just come and enjoy—there's always plenty of food to go around!
Nov 29, Sat
Parade of Lights – 4:30 pm
TVC will be taking part in the "Villages of Light" parade through downtown Damariscotta! Come and celebrate the hope and joy of Christmas with us!
Dec 7, Sun
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering is an annual offering collected by Southern Baptists to support international missions. The offering was officially named in 1918 by Woman’s Missionary Union in honor of the missionary to China who urged churches to start it and give sacrificially.
The total offering amount received by TVC throughout this week will be donated to this special ministry.
Dec 7, Sun
Fellowship Lunch – 11:45 am
Join us for a time of food and fellowship after the service! Bring a dish to share if you're able, or just come and enjoy—there's always plenty of food to go around!
Dec 14, Sun
Living Nativity – 4:00 pm
Join us from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. as we commemorate our Savior's coming with a living portrait of His birth. Refreshments and live music inside the church will warm your spirit as we celebrate this special season with joy!
Dec 21, Sun
Christmas-Themed Fellowship Breakfast – 9:00 am
Join us for a time of food and fellowship before the service! Please bring your favorite Christmas morning dish to share.
Dec 24, Wed
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service – 6:00 pm