Nov 9, Sat
Women & Girls' Fellowship – 9:00 am
"Drawing Near to God by Serving Our Community" - from 9:00-11:00 a.m. for ages 3rd grade & up.
Please bring a dish to share for a fellowship breakfast followed by a time of devotions, serving the community, and prayer.
Nov 17, Sun
Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Collection Deadline
Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes are available in the East Hall. Please take a box and pack it with gifts for children in need around the world.
Nov 21, Thu
Thrive – 6:30 pm
Students in 5th-12th grade are invited to take part in Thrive, meeting from 6:30-8:00 p.m. on alternating Thursdays at the home of our leaders, Richard & Chrissy Burns, in Nobleboro. We hope to see your students there!
Jan 5, Sun
Quarterly Members' Meeting & Lunch – 11:45 am
(No Fellowship Breakfast before the service today.)