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Welcome to the Bible Reading Plan adopted by Twin Villages Church!

This material is provided for those who find that audio input works well for them. No written Bible text is included on these pages; the intent is to provide quick audio access when your schedule allows you to listen. For some, reading along while hearing audio helps to grasp the content more fully. Others, not having time to sit and read, may get more benefit from hearing the passages several times while going about their daily activities.

Wherever you happen to be in your plan progress, select your active plan segment from the monthly sub-menus above. The date content is organized by the reading plan structure, and each date will include one or two audio play buttons. Simply click on the desired date header to reveal the audio selection(s) for that day.

The translation provided in the audio is the English Standard Version (ESV), which is the translation used by many at TVC. Even reading a different translation while listening to the ESV will provide an enhanced understanding where phrases or words are translated differently.

Our purpose is to GROW TOGETHER!

If you've already read all the way through the Bible, you know the treasure found within these pages. We invite you to read it again, and this time experience the joy of reading the same passages each day together with your church family.

If you've never read through the Bible, please join us for the first time. You might think you could never do it. But you can. With two years, you have a manageable pace (and built into this plan are "catch-up days" to help you get back on track if you fall off the pace). With your TVC family doing it together, you have encouragement. We are praying that spouses will read through the Bible together and that parents and children will talk about what they've read each day. We're excited already about the fruit God will produce in our lives.

Here are eight tips as we process our two-year journey through God's Word together:

Request God's help. As you come to the Word each day, ask God to open your eyes to its splendor. [Psalm 90:14 "Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days." Psalm 119:18 "Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law."]

Look for God. The Bible is mainly a book about God. So, in each passage we read, ask yourself, "What does this tell me about God?" If you ask and seek to answer this question throughout your Bible-reading trek, you'll come away knowing God better.

Slow down. Some readings will be longer and others shorter. Take advantage of the shorter ones. Read meditatively, reflectively, asking questions, praying for answers, engaging. In Psalm 119:48, the psalmist says he meditates on the Lord's statutes.

Get specific. As you do the reading for each day, look for a "best thought" – a truth you can meditate on throughout the rest of the day, a verse you can memorize, a particularly memorable phrase. That way, you're left with more than a vague feeling of what you read in the morning.

Read with a pen. Why not keep a notebook of insights from this two-year journey? Write down your best thoughts. Record your questions and prayers. It'll help you focus and give you a record of what God has taught you.

Pray the passage. Let your prayers for others emerge from what you read. As you read a passage, pray those inspired words for yourself and for those you love.

Read on mission. As you read the passage for each day, ask, "Who can I share this with?" Allow your reading to overflow into conversations with others. It's a natural way to share Jesus with your non-Christian friends. When they ask, "How's your day going?" tell them, "I saw this encouraging truth in the Bible this morning..." You're just being yourself and answering their question.

Do the Word. Consider how you can live out what you're reading. [James 1:22 "But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves."]

Download the Bible Reading Plan PDF

The Bible Reading Plan was prepared by Stephen Witmer for The Gospel Coalition.

We exist to… grow in Christ, love like Christ, live for Christ